
On Beginning

The past is but the past of a beginning
— H.G. Wells

Two weeks ago I was delivered a bed frame for my new bed. Now instead of setting it up, I’ve been sleeping on the floor and procrastinating the inevitable by doing just about anything else. Lawn work, laundry, cleaning dishes, scrubbing toilets, watching paint dry, starting a blog, etc.

But I’ve also begun to channel a lot of my energy into writing (which is arguably more productive, even if the sacrifice is sleeping on the floor). Working from home during all this “social distancing” has forced me to spend a lot more time with myself than even I, an extreme introvert, am comfortable with. So writing is one of my escapes. And I like what I’m writing.

Save for a few friends, and my therapist, I’ve been fairly silent on what I’m writing about. But for good reason.

I’ve found it’s true that an idea can die well before it reaches fruition if it’s talked about more than it’s worked on. Most projects I’ve worked on have gone the way of the dodo for this reason. So I’ve learned to internalize all the good stuff until it’s ready, otherwise it just won’t be as ripe as it could be. If that makes sense.

But even still, it’s difficult to bottle up and keep the things you love to yourself. Especially when the process has become so therapeutic.

And might I add that I didn’t wake up today with any intention of starting a blog, but this site needs some life to it, and it would definitely help my mental health to regurgitate some of the thoughts I have drifting through my mind.

And maybe some of you will read this and find the ramblings of a madman entertaining. If not, I’m fine with talking into the ether. I’ve become pretty good at it.

So I guess I’m going to keep this first entry short and spontaneous, so please bear with the dust while it settles. But with each week I continue to write these blogs, I’ll work on keeping to a theme. Maybe give myself more than an hour to write.

. . .

Oh, and I’d like to add a song and quote to these things; if for nothing else than to encapsulate my music tastes from week to week.

This week I’ve spent A LOT of time with music, and Songs: Ohia have accompanied me in writing many of my pages. Spotify recommends some good stuff.

Anyway. See you next week.